Cinderella is tale of Traditional literature. This specific tale is retold by Lindsay Mizer and illustrated by Jim Talbot. This book is specifically for children in the grades Kindergarten to the second grade. This book is about a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her mean stepmother and two stepsisters. They used her as a maid and treated her badly. One day, there was a ball that could change the life of Cinderella. She wanted to go, but her stepmother was so mean that she didn't allow her to go. She made sure that her daughters went instead. A fairy godmother appeared and looked after Cinderella. She gave her a beautiful gown, a pumpkin carriage, and beautiful glasses slippers. She needed to return home by midnight. She made it to the ball and met the prince. She danced her heart out with the prince but ran away after losing the track of time. Leaving behind a glass slipper, the prince set out to find her. He found her and then married at the end of the story.
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